Joint VET – QA components regional meeting on quality of WBL
The EQET SEE VET and QA components Joint Regional meeting for the development of recommendations and tools for external evaluation of work-based learning (WBL) took place on 17th and 18th October ...

Vacancy Announcement
ERI SEE hereby announces vacancy for the position of: Sector Project Coordinator for the project Enhancements in the Quality of Education and Training in South Eastern Europe (EQET SEE) For jo ...

Regional meeting for further project planning
The Regional meeting for further project planning: Development of methodologies for trainings need analysis (TNA) questionnaire implementation and development of training programmes for external e ...

Information exchange on international projects in South Eastern Europe
The meeting devoted to exchanging information about the international projects in the South Eastern Europe, organised by the ERI SEE Secretariat, was held on Tuesday, 11 July 2023, from 11h to 13h, on ...

Second Regional meeting for the development of External evaluation of institutions – Best practices from the EU and South Eastern Europe
The second Regional meeting for the development of External evaluation of institutions – Best practices from the European Union (EU) and South Eastern Europe, organized within the EQET SEE project ...

Regional meeting for the development of External evaluation of institutions – Best practices from the EU and South Eastern Europe
The Regional meeting for the development of External evaluation of institutions – Best practices from the European Union (EU) and South Eastern Europe (Best practices), organized within the EQET S ...

Regional preparatory meeting for analysis of QA Methodologies
The Preparatory meeting for the analysis of QA methodologies was organized by the ERI SEE Secretariat on 02.12.2022. online, to present and discuss the currently used quality assurance frameworks, ind ...

Third EQET SEE Project management meeting of the QA Component – 05 October 2022, Tirana, Albania
The third Project Management Meeting of the of the Quality Assurance (QA) component of the project Enhancing quality of education and training in SEE – EQET SEE was held in Tirana, Albania, on 05 Octo ...

Workshop for the Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire – EQET SEE
Workshop for the Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire, organised within the project Enhancements in the quality of education and training in SEE – EQET SEE and its Quality Assurance (QA) componen ...

National standard of competences for external evaluators in Kosovo*
National meeting for development of the National standard of competences for external evaluators in Kosovo* took place in Pristina on 12.07.2022. with 6 selected representatives from the National Qual ...