Occupational standards
The EQET SEE project will aim at developing two regionally based occupational standards in the firs project yer. The developmental process was defined during the TO REGOS project and articulated in the document A Methodology for the Development of Regionally-based Occupational Standards: defining guiding principles, steps and methods (also available in Albanian, Macedonian and Serbian).
The first regionally based occupational standard
The first regionally based occupational standard – Agriculture technician of traditional and organic cultivation occupational standard (ATTOOS) was developed in May 2022 following the series of national meetings in six participating economies and joint, regional meetings for validation of the standard.
The ATTOOS standard is available in English with translations in Albanian, Macedonian and Serbian.
National standards for ATTOOS:
- Albania – download in Albanian
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Kosovo* – download in Albanian
- Montenegro – the standard had been devided in three separate standards:
- The Republic of North Macedonia – download standard in Macedonian
- Serbia download standard in Serbian
The second regionally based occupational standard
The second regionally based occupational standard – locksmith was developed in February 2023 following the series of national meetings in six participating economies and joint, regional meetings for validation of the standard.
The regionally based occupation standard for lockmith is available in English with translations in Albanian, Macedonian and Serbian.
National standards for locksmith/CNC technician:
- Albania – download in Albanian
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Kosovo* – download in Albanian
- Montenegro – download in Montenegrin
- The Republic of North Macedonia – download standard in Macedonian
- Serbia download standard in Serbian
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNCSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.