The EQET SEE Project Kick off Conference
Kick-off conference for the Enhancements in quality of education and training in SEE – EQET SEE project was organised on 08 February 2022 online.
The conference gathered 167 stakeholders, experts and the representatives of regional and international projects, donors, international organisations and international projects active in the field of VET and quality assurance in pre-tertiary education. It was organised by the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe –ERI SEE Secretariat, the EQET SEE project lead partner in the cooperation with implementing partners, VET, qualification and quality assurance agencies and chambers of commerce from seven EQET SEE economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia and Serbia.
The conference was opened by Ms Tina Šarić, the ERI SEE Secretariat director and the EQET SEE project manager who presented the rationale behind the EQET SEE project and its contextual focus. Ms Ivana Živadinović, regional project coordinator and Ms Milica Grahovac, sector project coordinator, presented the two main components of the project, the vocational education and training component (VET) and the quality assurance (QA) component, respectively.
Following the introduction speeches and project presentations the floor was given to the experts in the fields of VET and QA and social sustainability: Mr Arjen Deij of the European Training Foundation spoke about the trends in developing, comparing and renewing qualifications in the international and regional context while professor Melanie Ehren of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Research Institute LEARN! presented the European developments in external evaluation of pre-tertiary education. Lastly, professor Slobodan Cvejić, of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade presented the concept of social sustainability in the context of the development of education systems and societies.
The Kick-off conference also provide a platform for communication with other international projects active in the region. The representatives of Austrian Development Agency, GIZ, OeAD and SDC presented their projects and initiatives and results accomplished in the region.
More about the EQET SEE project is available here while the conference presentations can be downloaded from the links below:
- Tina Šarić, ERI SEE: Rationale behind the EQET SEE Project – download
- Ivana Živadinović, ERI SEE: EQET SEE VET Component – download
- Milica Grahovac, ERI SEE EQET SEE QA Component – download
- Erik De Bou, SICI: About Standing International Conference of Inspectorates – download
- Arjen Deij, European Training Foundation: Responsiveness of the VET education to the labour market needs through qualification standards– download
- Melanie Ehren, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Research Institute LEARN!: European developments in external evaluation of pre-tertiary education – download
- Slobodan Cvejić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade: Social sustainability in education and training – download
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNCSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.