Regional meetings for the validation of the first occupational standard

Following the national activities and meetings towards developing the regionally based occupational standard the ERI SEE Secretariat organised the regional meetings towards developing regionally based Agricultural technician of traditional and organic cultivation occupational standard (ATTOOS) within the Enhancements in the quality of education and training in SEE – EQET SEE.
The preparatory regional meeting for the consolidation of the first regionally based occupational standard developed within the EQET SEE project was organised on 24 May 2022. The main goal of the meeting was to discuss the proposal for the ATTOOS developed by the ERI SEE Secretariat and external experts for environmental and social sustainability, gender equity and occupational standard development based on national inputs and to consolidate it for the upcoming regional meeting. The meeting was attended by 2 nominated participants from each EQET SEE economy (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia and Serbia) and the ERI SEE Secretariat project team, Ms Tina Šarić, director of the ERI SEE Secretariat and the EQET SEE project manager and Ms Ivana Živadinović, Regional Project Coordinator. Participants coming from both business and education sector divided into two working groups consolidated the proposal and prepared for the upcoming Final Regional Meeting.
The Final Regional Meeting for the validation of the ATTOOS continued on 25 May 2022 and 26 May 2022. The main goal of this meeting was to validate regional proposal for the ATTOOS at the project level. The meeting was attended by participants who took part in the preparatory meeting and additional two participants per each EQET SEE economy coming from the business and education sector and the ERI SEE Secretariat project team. The meeting was opened by Mr Duško Rajković, director of the Center for Vocational Education and the SEE VET Net Chair Ms Tina Šarić, the ERI SEE Secretariat director. The two-day working meeting was utilised to validate the proposal for the ATTOOS and to produce the final, regionally based Agricultural technician of traditional and organic cultivation occupational standard.
The Agricultural technician of traditional and organic cultivation occupational standard can be downloaded in English language here. Translations are available in Albanian, Macedonian and Serbian.
More about the EQET SEE project is available here.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNCSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.