TO REGOS Presentations

TO REGOS Organisational and Capacity Development Meeting & 10th PMM, Montenegro 13-14 July 2021

Relevance and impact of social dimension of education, Niklas Nannskog, Malmö University – download
Special education and inclusion – possibilities and dilemmas, Kenneth Janson, Malmö Borgarskola – download
How to secure the quality of VET placements – two models and regional differences, Leif Boregren, Malmö Borgarskola – (lecture)

Gender equality and equity in relation to curricula, Niklas Nannskog Malmö University – download

Final regional meeting for the consolidation of the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard

Niklas Ekberg Nannskog Social Sustainability and Gender Equality – concept and the contribution to the occupational standard – Download

Aleksandra Bojadjieva Roma integration in the labour market – regional recommendations – Download

Sonja Ristovska Environmental Sustainability – concept and the contribution to the occupational standard – Download

Snježana Derviškadić Triple P Tourims in SEE Project Overview  – Download


Preparatory meetings for the consolidation of the hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard

Ivana Živadinović Comparative analysis of national inputs – download

Zoran Jovcevski Comparative analysis of national inputs – download


Kick-off Conference presentations, July 2019

Elido Bandelj Benefits and Challenges of joint standards of occupations and qualifications Download

Jolien van Uden Strategic and policy framework relevant for the development of joint standards of occupations and qualifications Download

Ivana Živadinović  Towards Regionally Based Standards of Occupations – presentation of the project Download

Tina Šarić A Methodology for regionally-based occupational standards Download

Danijel Đekić Development of a Joint Qualification – Experience of the Project SHVET Download


First TO REGOS project management and methodology meeting presentations, May 2019

Tina Šarić Fine tuning of the Common Regional Framework for development of regionally based standards of occupations Download

Maja Jukić Fine tuning of the Common Regional Framework for development of regionally based standards of occupations Download

Ivana Živadinović About the project Download