Workshop for the Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire – EQET SEE

Workshop for the Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire, organised within the project Enhancements in the quality of education and training in SEE – EQET SEE and its Quality Assurance (QA) component was held in Tirana, Albania, on 04 and 05 October 2022.
During the Workshop, the Regional Working group, comprised of the EQET SEE National Coordination Points (NCPs) for QA and nominated experts from each economy: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, along the ERI SEE representatives and Dutch expert on external evaluation Mr Herman Franssen analysed the proposal of the Questionnaire for training needs of external evaluators in pre-tertiary education in the region and reached consensus on its structure and content.
Additionally, the participants discussed the use of training needs analysis questionnaire use, existing and needed practices of self-evaluation and evaluation, as well as the steps for human resources development and improvement of human resource policies of QA agencies in the region.
This questionnaire will be used for gathering data on needs of professional development of external evaluators that will feed in the programme of the regional training modules, to be developed by the ERI SEE in the following period. The questionnaire will also be adjusted for national use in seven economies by the National Working groups.
The inputs from the meeting will also serve for development of the regional guidelines for HR policy recommendations regarding external evaluators (including evaluation, recruitment, initial training, CPD and other relevant topics).
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNCSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.