July 11, 2023

Information exchange on international projects in South Eastern Europe

The meeting devoted to exchanging information about the international projects in the South Eastern Europe, organised by the ERI SEE Secretariat, was held on Tuesday, 11 July 2023, from 11h to 13h, on-line.

The purpose of the meeting was to exchange information about the initiatives and projects in pre-tertiary education funded by international donors that are currently being implemented in the South Eastern Europe region and to identify potential synergies and possible joint actions, as well as to ensure avoiding the overlap between ongoing projects and those planned for the future. The meeting focused on the updates in the developments within donor-funded projects made since the previous meeting held in July 2022.

The following projects were presented on this occasion:





Another session of exchanges will be organised by the end of the 2023.

More information about each presented project is listed HERE.

(The list includes the two projects that were not presented at the meeting: SDC project Education to Employment – E2E and OeAD project: Increasing the quality of work-based learning by strengthening the role of vocational practical coordinators.)

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNCSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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