July 10, 2024

Towards national verification and sustainability of teaching and learning material and trainings of teachers and company instructors, 09-10 July, Bar

Towards national verification and sustainability of teaching and learning material and trainings of teachers and company instructors meeting was organised on 09 and 10 July 2024 within the Enhancements in the quality of education and training in SEE – EQET SEE – VET component by the ERI SEE Secretariat.

The meeting gathered the representatives of the EQET SEE project implementing partners national coordination points (NCPs) for VET and business and the representatives of the ERI SEE Secretariat, Ms Tina Šarić, Director, Ms Ivana Živadinović, Regional Project Coordinator and Ms Marina Paović, Sector Project Coordinator.

The main goal of the meeting was to be to discuss the following topics (1) adjustment of teaching and learning material at national level and publishing material in all EQET SEE economies (2) adjustment and use of training material at national level (3) implementation of national trainings (4) how to build on synergies: VET and quality assurance joint activities and promotion and sustainability of the project outputs at regional and national levels and (5) the future of VET: labour-market relevant, green, inclusive and quality assured VET curricula. The latter point was addressed jointly with the representatives of the quality assurance (QA) component of the EQET SEE project.

The meeting was opened by Ms Ejvis Gishti, the SEE VET Net Chair and director of the National Agency for Education, Vocational Training and Qualifications – NAEVTQ and the director of the ERI SEE Secretariat Ms Tina Šarić.

Following the two-day fruitful discussion the project partners agreed on the next steps within the EQET SEE project VET component, adopted the project timeline and elaborated strategies on tackling the future VET development challenges.

More about the EQET SEE project is available here.

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