March 3, 2022 in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, QA Component - ME, QA Component - MK, QA Component - MOL, QA Component - RA, QA Component - RS, QA Component - XK*, QA Component -AL, QA Component -BA, Regional activities, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia
Policy Vision meeting on the role of external evaluation
The Policy Vision meeting organised within the Quality Assurance (QA) component of the project Enhancements in quality of education and training in SEE – EQET SEE took place on 3rd March 2022 in B ...
March 3, 2022 in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Project outputs and partners’ activities, QA Component - ME, QA Component - MK, QA Component - MOL, QA Component - RA, QA Component - RS, QA Component - XK*, QA Component -AL, QA Component -BA, Regional activities, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia
Systems of Quality Assurance in SEE and Moldova
Overview of the quality assurance (QA) systems in pre-tertiary education in South Eastern Europe and Moldova, with focus on external evaluation of institutions and external evaluators’ trainings, has ...