April 12, 2022 in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Project outputs and partners’ activities, QA Component - ME, QA Component - MK, QA Component - MOL, QA Component - RA, QA Component - RS, QA Component - XK*, QA Component -AL, QA Component -BA, Regional activities, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia
Policy vision on external evaluation in SEE and Moldova
The joint, regional, vision of the of external evaluation of educational institutions in the South Eastern Europe and Moldova has been formulated within the EQET SEE project and endorsed by all the re ...

April 12, 2022 in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Project outputs and partners’ activities, QA Component - ME, QA Component - MK, QA Component - MOL, QA Component - RA, QA Component - RS, QA Component - XK*, QA Component -AL, QA Component -BA, Regional activities, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, VET Component - BA, VET Component - ME, VET Component - MK, VET Component - MOL, VET Component - RS, VET Component - XK*, VET Component -AL, VET Component -RA
Open Call for External Experts Within the EQET SEE Project
The Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) is announcing a Call for External Experts Within the Enhancements in The Quality of Education and Training in South Eastern Europe - E ...